Monday, June 22, 2009

Cabin Fever

The rain continues. I heard on the radio that we've only had five rainless days in June so far. I'm going away to Nantucket this weekend so I'm praying for some sun but it doesn't look good. I've invited my new boyfriend along. I'm excited for him to meet everyone and it will be fun having him there.

I'm done dog sitting too. Nine very long days. My cat was like why hasn't this thing left yet! Dog sitting when it's raining all the time is no fun for me or the dog.

This is how I feel right now.


Gaby, held on by wires. said...

send some rain my way :( We haven't had ANY in like... weeks. Grass everywhere is turning yellow. Not cool.

Ginny said...

yea you guys have no rain and we are getting all of it. I will gladly give you some