Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Favorites of '08: Albums

I don't know about you but I still buy CDs. I like to physically have albums I enjoy. Yes I use itunes and own an ipod but I like popping a CD into a stereo and putting it on repeat.

With that being said I've put together a little list of some of my favorite albums of 2008:

Ludo, You're Awful, I Love You. This power pop band from the mid-west has fun songs with catchy hooks. Ludo is at their best when singing about what no other band sings about like lakes that eat people and that creepy guy who lives in your apartment building.

Panic at the Disco, Pretty. Odd. This album sounds nothing like A Fever You Can't Sweat Out but I love it just the same. One album they've got electro/cabaret beats and the next they sound like the Beatles. I'm excited to see what they do next.

Fall Out Boy, Folie A Deux. Everyone knows I'm a huge Fall Out Boy fan and this album is in constant rotation. I think people who might not listen to Fall Out Boy normally should give this album is shot.

Vampire Weekend, Vampire Weekend. Every one's been talking about this band and they should be. They have a unique style combining African beats, keyboards and even some classical sounds. This was the perfect summer time album for me.

Ryan Adams, Cardinology. Sometimes a Ryan Adams album can be spotty with some amazing songs and a few duds but this is a solid album. Who says you can't make a good album after cleaning up?

Stayed tuned for a few more favorites of 2008 surprises

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Reality check

My normal pant size seems to be a bit snug. This is not good. I was trying on pants at the store and I was trying to convince myself it's the pants. No, it's me. I've been eating bad lately. I can eat a lot.

I snack all the time and I'm sort of known at work for not turning down food. Everyone keeps saying it will catch up with me and this could be the beginning. I'm not overweight but I want to stay the pant size I am! Time to nip this in the butt (literally) before it gets out of hand.

Maybe by posting this on my blog where it's there for all of the internet to read I'll be more likely to follow through. I feel so much better when I'm eating well and going to the gym. My mood improves and I have more energy. Maybe I'll look into some type of organized sport, something I have to show up to each week.

My stomach is really making me regret those sweet and sour meatballs I ate earlier today.

Friday, December 26, 2008

This is a boredom post

This is my I don't want to be working today face.

There are a grand total of three people in the office today. It's just a little too quiet. I've done some shopping online (two new pairs of jeans and a jacket), twittered, went on facebook, checked my e-mail, checked the blogs I read, did a little bit of work, and now I'm BORED.

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I ate too much but it was worth every last tasty bite. I had Thai food from my favorite Thai place, I had food from the Chateau which has the best bread and toasted raviolis, and I had a home cooked dinner of ham, a roast, rolls, potatoes, green bean casserole and corn. This was not all in one day. I'm not that fat.

I should go to the gym today but I shouldn't drive anymore than needed on my spare tire. This is quite the good excuse not to go to the gym.

I just have to say being single around the holidays is no fun. All my friends are spending the weekend with their boyfriends or girlfriends or fiances and I'm just hanging out by myself being bored.

Ok back to "work"

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

I got a flat tire on Christmas Eve. This proves that I have the worst luck with tires. Say a prayer as I attempt to drive to my uncles on a spare.

I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas with no flat tires.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Folie A Deux

I've finally had a chance to give Folie a Deux, the new Fall out Boy CD a good listen. I've had the CD on repeat since the day I got it. This is a different Fall out Boy than we've heard before. Patrick Stump seems more comfortable and his vocals on this album are great. He has a good range and we can finally hear that. The style of songs varries widely. One minute it seems like older Fall Out Boy the next second it sounds like something Panic! At the Disco would have done.

Their first radio single "I Don't Care" is a really fun song and has the typical catchy Fall Out Boy hook. "What a Catch, Donnie" is another stand out song for me on this album. It's a little different than what I'm use to from Fall Out Boy but this slower song is growing on me. "20 Dollar Nose Bleed" features Brandon Urie from Panic at the Disco and sounds like it came off of Pretty Odd. I love these two singing together. One other song I have to mention is "America's Suithearts". That song gets stuck in my head constantly now.

Even if you're not a big fan of Fall Out Boy I would give this album a shot. It's just a good album.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Why I will never watch Hostel ever again

I had a freaky dream last night! Anything with eyeballs freaks me out. Eyeballs are not meant to be touched. That scene in Hostel, yea you know the one, that was one of the most nauseating things I have ever seen. I think you get the point.

So my dream. For some reason I have to wear these colored contacts for a party. I get them in fine but they won't come out. I'm freaking out asking people how to get them out. Someone tells me to just use my finger nail and lift it off. I try that but end up peeling off part of my eye that's stuck to the contact (This is where I freak!!!). My eye looks all crazy like when you mix paint together and swirl it around, that's what it looked like. I could still see out of my eye but that didn't help the freak out factor.

I tried to look up what this dream could mean:

  1. To dream that your eyes are injured or closed, suggests your refusal to see the truth about something or the avoidance of intimacy. You may be expressing feelings of hurt, pain or sympathy.
  2. To see your own eyes in your dream, represents enlightenment, knowledge, comprehension, understanding, and intellectual awareness. Unconscious thoughts may be coming onto the surface. The left eye is symbolic of the moon, while the right eye represents the sun. It may also be a pun on "I" or the self. If you dream that your eyes have turned inside your head and you can now see the inside of your head, then it symbolizes insight and something that you need to be aware of. This dream may be literally telling you that you need to look within yourself. Trust your intuition and instincts.
I think it means that I don't like things in my eyes.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

An ode to sour cream

I think my roommate and I have a problem. This problem is sour cream. We are going through sour cream like water! It all started because it was on sale. So we used it. We had to buy more. Now we can't stop. I had it with two meals today! Not to mention I had it last night with dinner and Friday night. I use to hate sour cream, now I don't know how I lived without it. We're running low. Must restock.

You can tell I'm going a little stir crazy. I mean I'm writing about sour cream.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Twitter time

I'm following Gerard Way on twitter. He is awesome.

If you want to follow me on Twitter here I am.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The world is not ending

Yes it's going to snow. No need to freak out people. This is New England. Snow happens. I'm always amazed at the amount of panic snow brings.

My grand plans for tonight are to watch movies and listen to the new Fall Out Boy cd. I was talking to an ex-boyfriend last night and he asked me what kind of music I listen to now (we dated three years ago and haven't talked much since then). I told him that I listen to all different kinds of music. He asked me if Fall Out Boy was still my favorite band. I forgot we were dating during my hardcore Fall Out Boy phase.

Can't wait to get home, get in my pjs, *chug some cold medicine and rock out.

*I'm not robo trippin', I actually have a cold.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Famous movie scenes + your favorite bands = a fun battle of the bands

Spin.com is having your favorite bands recreate scenes from popular movies in a different kind of battle of the bands. One of my favorite bands, Ludo, recreates a scene from Ghost Busters and Plushgun does an amazing job recreating the famous ending scene of Se7en. Check it out if you have a few minutes.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Just a mothball smelling Monday

I'm not a very patient person and I admit that but today on the T I had to have a little talk with myself and say: Self, this is silly. You're mad because there is a medical emergency on the train in front of you. Please note that someone is ill and needs help so stop being a bitch and and fuming over a medical emergency!

The train smelt like mothballs. I think this was attributing to my crankiness.

So hello Monday. Glad you could make my morning as lovely as that mothball smelling train.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Edward pillow cases?!

So I thought the Edward glitter was bad enough but now there's the Twilight Edward Pillow Case! The product description. (Please try to read without peeing your pants):

Edward will protect you from all your nightmares when you rest your head against this black pillow case with an image of the sensitive vampire. 20'' x 30''. 50% cotton. 50% polyester. Wash warm. Hang dry. Imported.

I can't handle it! I'm just waiting for the whole bed set. Just imagine, I bring a date back to my place. I tell him I'm going to freshen up so I can reapply my Edward glitter. He walks into my bedroom and sees my Edward Cullen pillow cases and matching bed set. That would be amazing.

I'm sorry. I just can't stop posting all the awful Twilight crap that's out there.

Friday, December 12, 2008

I know what I want for Christmas

I haven't been having a very good day. My phone that I just bought in May has died. I'm using an old phone that I hate until I can make it over to t-mobile. It was also a monsoon outside this morning. I think my umbrella just gave up. I was soaked by the time I got to the T.

But the day is not lost! It stopped raining, I'm heading to T-Mobile shortly and then I found Twilight Edward Body Glitter. I needed a good laugh. Thank you Hot Topic.

Here is the product description:

Add subtle shimmer to your body with this iridescent powder. It includes a small application brush and comes in a clear container with an image of Twilight's Edward

It should say on the side: WARNING, may cause moodiness, glaring and lust for blood.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Review up on thehyp.net

My first concert review is done! I wrote a review for the Miracle on Tremont Street show for thehyp.net. I think it came out pretty good considering I was loaded up on cold medicine.

I'm not dead just busy

Wow I haven't updated for a little bit. I feel like I've been busy but I don't have much to show for it. We did an early Christmas for my brother who is now in Texas for boot camp. I saw him get sworn in on Tuesday. I forgot to take pictures because I was so busy taking pictures for my grandmother with her camera. I don't think its sunk in yet that he's gone. I might fly to Texas in February for his boot camp graduation.

So it's finally Thursday. Christmas is getting closer and I have no idea what to get my boss. Last year I wanted to get him these pirate cuff links I saw and then he comes into the office wearing them! I yelled at him and told him I was suppose to buy those for him. Now I'm stumped. Suggestions for gifts for my boss? I can't be cheap as he is not stingy with my gifts.

I've been doing pretty good at not eating tons of junk and I've been running. I'm giving myself a gold star for effort. Once I get into the routine of exercising it's much easier to stick with it.

Oh I did a review of the Miracle on Tremont Street show with Dearly Beloved, Airborne Toxic Event and Franz Ferdinand for thehyp.net which should be up soon. I'll post the link later on.

Time to get the fluff ball (my cat) off my lap and get to work.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

There's no escaping the Irish

I was at my grandmother's house tonight for a going away dinner for my brother and I found an Irish surprise in the living room.

Incase you didn't know this is played on an 8trackstero. It says so right there on the front.

Nice vests boys. Green? How very Irish Balladeer of you.

"You can take our lives! But you can never take our Irish Songs of Freedom!!!! (vol 3)"

I love to crank those Irish drinking songs on my 8 track stereo. My brother asked my grandmother what she was doing with these. She replied "how do you play those?" Well if this was say 1970 we would be all set.

Shame we couldn't have "Irish songs of freedom vol 3 (and still more)" playing while we ate dinner. Instead we got to rock out to Celtic Woman. I'm curious as to how many volumes there are considering it says "and still more..."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Do you want fries with that?

I had a strange dream that involved Simon Cowell and cheese burgers. He was visiting the Boston area and stopped me in a mall to ask me where he could get a good cheese burger. Me being an expert on delicious cheese burgers named a few places but my friends decided to bash all of them and tell Simon they all made awful burgers. I yelled "why don't you just go to Burger King then!" and stormed off. Simon ended up taking my suggestion and thanked me.

This is my subconcious saying "hey, you know what's bothering you? When you suggest a place to eat, hang out, get drinks, and your friends tell you they don't like that place or don't want to do that so you end up doing what they want to do which is always the same thing."

I feel like my suggestions are never taken into consideration or out right dissed. I'm always doing what they want to do and I don't complain. I think I need to speak up. This is what Simon Cowell wants me to do. He is like my turtle spirit guide.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Konvict is not a word

Akon makes my ears vomit. His voice is like nails on a chalk board to me. Stop throwing K's in words where they don't belong and stop whining when you sing.

Nickelback, you've been replaced as band/singer I hate the most. I'm sure that you'll be back on top eventually as you are quite proficient in producing awful music.

"Dear God, thank you for blessing me with this amazing voice which I promise to use to ruin as many songs as possible. Oh and thanks for this massive watch. Sincerely, Your favorite Knovict"

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Being lazy

Heading out to Harvard Square for a quick drink with a friend. I've been stuck in the house all day with my cat and Melissa's dog. They're getting along ok. Riley is now sleeping on my pants. A dog is a lot of work and I'm not use to it. I need this little break.

I've watched way too much tv today. I watched Legends of the Fall and then Pride and Prejudice. I cried during both. I'm a sap who will fully admit right here to crying while watching movies.

Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time. I could watch period movies all day. I love the dresses, the dancing, the "courting". Then I remember how I like antibiotics and the inernet.

I still have the house to myself which is nice. I hung out with the bar tender, saw my family, slept a lot, watched movies, made pizza. I think I've had a successful Thanksgiving break.

Another video but it's Gavin DeGraw!

Gavin DeGraw: Catering in Italy

One more reason why I love Gavin

Friday, November 28, 2008

Macy's Parade Rickroll!

Wow, Rick Astley wins! That is the best Rickroll and it was delivered by the man himelf.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just a suggestion

To the woman with the clear backpack:

I would suggest putting your tampons in a case of some sort or purchasing a normal backpack.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight Toughts

We all knew the Twilight post would be coming so if you haven't seen it yet and don't want spoilers I suggest you skip the rest of this post.

Over all I was very happy with the movie. I thought the casting was good and it was very close to the book. I wasn't expecting to laugh as much as I did. When Bella first walks into the classroom and Edward looks like he's going to vomit, oh that was awesome. I also found the kitchen scene where Rosalie breaks the salad bowl because Bella already ate to be pretty funny. Alice being Alice and telling Bella "don't worry we're going to be good friends".

Jasper's face made me crack up. He looked terrified throughout the whole movie and I couldn't control myself when he had that Edward Scissor Hands look.

I thought Rob Pattinson was perfect as Edward. He gets the tortured emo look down well. I was totally fine with him ripping his shirt open and being all "look how my chest sparkles in the sun! You should be afraid! I'm a freak!"

The baseball scene was perfect and throwing "Supermassive Black Hole" in there durring that made it even better. I could watch vampire baseball for hours. Seriously.

I like Charlie in the movie better than in the book. He seems more human than the watch tv and go fishing guy in the book.

I was glad they cut out some of the cheese (oh there was still some cheese). I'm sure I would have rolled my eyes if they tried the Bella fainting around Edward crap like they did in the book.

I'm happy and will buy the DVD the second it comes out of course.

New Moon got the ok to be made into a movie. I'd have to say New Moon was my least favorite book but I'll still see the movie.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Holiday thoughts (wow Thanksgiving is next week!)

The holidays are going to be very different this year. My mother moved out of my childhood home and my brother is leaving for boot camp in the beginning of December. We're going out to a restaurant for Thanksgiving which I've never done before. My mother's new place is very small and my aunt and uncle who sometimes host are packing up to move so we don't really have many options.

We're celebrating Christmas before my brother leaves and I'm stuck on what to get him. Anything I get he'll only have a week to enjoy before he leaves. I could just get him some beer and a steak and call it a day. I don't think its hit me yet that he's leaving. It will at some point I'm sure. He's going to miss Christmas, New Years and my birthday. He makes sure any party he's at is fun. My roommate jokes that all he has to do is walk into a party and people start falling on the floor wasted. This stems from an impromptu get together with some friends and my brother and two of my roommates coming home to find all of us lying on the dining room floor in the dark listening to "I write sins not Tragedies" on repeat with bottles everywhere. My brother was still trying to get people to do shots.

Somehow it will be ok. It will be different but being with my family is all that matters.

I would also like to point out that walking through the mall to get to work everyday I am bombarded by Christmas decorations which I think went up right after Halloween. It's not time people! I'm also afraid one of those giant stars hanging around is going to fall on my head.

P.S. If someone wants to get me a GPS for Christmas, that would be awesome.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I'm slowly adding the links to blogs I read. I read quite a few so I'm sure I'll be adding more. I have a lot of links bookmarked at home and I'm at work right now. I really need to update my google reader.

I'm meeting up with the tattooed bartender tonight. My stomach is already doing the nervous talking thing it likes to do. When I get nervous my stomach growls. So boys if I'm talking to you and my stomach sounds like a caged tiger, that means I like you.

AFI is in the studio

Nothing makes me happier than reading this from Jade on AFI's website.

Hello dear, it's time.

We've officially finished writing the 8th AFI album, and now we enter the studio to put it on tape. We have a fabulous producer we'll be working with, David Bottrill, who has worked on some fantastic and legendary albums by Peter Garbiel, Muse, Silverchair, Placebo, and Tool. We've spent this whole year crafting these songs and we're impatient to share them, so let's get busy.


Davey, Adam, Hunter, and Me

I am a HUGE AFI fan. I can easily say they are my favorite band. I'm so excited! Make it quick boys. I can't wait to hear the new album.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Adventures in Boston

When Melissa Darryl and I go out it usually ends up being an adventure. We meet lots of interesting characters on the way.

Melissa and I started our night at Boloco with are usual burritos. I wasn't surprised to see my Boloco fan there. He looks pretty young, probably goes to BC. He was behind the counter though and there was another guy who we started calling jerry curl dude at the register. He was very obviously flirting with us even though Melissa and I were like hey we just want burritos.

Apparently BC boy wasn't a big fan of this because he was hanging out where we were eating and started talking to us. I told him I was sorry I was a pain ordering my burritos because I always sort of create my own. He responded with "oh no you're not a pain" and threw in a wink for good measure. Meanwhile, jerry curl dude comes literally dancing over and is all "what's up ladies?" I'm trying so hard not to laugh and Melissa isn't doing too well either.

When we're putting on our coats jerry curl dude tells us to wait because he wants to invite us to this party. He goes out back to write down the info (yea, we're not going) and BC guy comes over. He tells me he likes my skirt (I'm wearing a dress), I tell him I don't normally get dressed up for Boloco. He says "well I would get dressed up for me too." He usually never says more than two words to us so I don't know where all of this is coming from. Some how the conversation ends with him telling us that next month they're changing their uniforms to include ass less chaps.

Jerry curl dude comes back and hands us a paper with a book written on it. Name, address, cell phone, e-mail. Who writes their e-mail down? We said thank you and left. Melissa told me to hold on to the paper because she didn't want to try to call him later drunk to go to the party.

So after the Boloco ridiculousness, we rounded up Darryl and headed over to Mantra which has a $25 cover! The only way to get in there is to eat dinner and stay. No way I'm paying $25. We were near Felt so we headed over there. There was quite the group of people in there. I felt like I was watching a combination of the pick up artist and Shallow Hal. We decided to stay though since we were there and it was quite good people watching.

While trying to get to the bathroom I get pulled aside by a more sleazy version of Brody Jenner. He's thinks it's ok to try to make out with a girl who's walking by. No thanks. I run off to the bathroom to escape. When I'm walking back he grabs my hair. What is wrong with people!

Melissa and I were doing our Romy and Michelle inspired dance on the dance floor while Darryl stands by and refuses to talk to ladies. I did meet one nice guy who told us he liked how we didn't take our dancing super seriously. He just moved here and asked if he could hang out with us sometime. He had to drive his two friends home so we left to go to the tavern. I saw Brody grinding some girls on the way out. Have fun with that one ladies.

We made it to the Tavern with an hour to spare. Right when I walk in I see a guy I like. He has dark hair, lots of tattoos, the plaid shirt and the rocker boy skinny jeans (yea that's my type). I didn't say anything though because I wasn't really in the mood. But around closing he started talking to Darryl and I. We were having an argument on whether or not hockey is a racist sport. Tattoo boy and I said that minorities just aren't interested in hockey while Darryl claimed the sport doesn't like minorities. I asked Darryl if he actually knew a minority.

When the bar closed tattoo boy walked back towards Melissa's house with us since he had to stop by this local restaurant where he is the bar manager. Hello, jack pot! He asked if he could call me later and come by for Chinese food. I said yes. In the mean time there was this old guy who was semi in our conversation at the bar and I just noticed that he was walking with us. At one point he whipped out some coke and we were like, no, we're not interested. It took us a while to get rid of him, he was creepy.

Tattoo boy came back 15 minutes later. We all ate Chinese food in the kitchen at 4 am. He actually had the new Cardinals CD on him! Could this get any better? He wants me to visit him at the bar on Monday. I'm still deciding if I'm going to do it. It's very hard for me to resist tattoo boys.

So I think this picture sums up the night. Earrings falling out, a wtf is going on look on my face.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Does not compute

I got an e-mail from my roommate Todd saying that our router has died so here is the info for the new one.

Seems simple enough except the password is djU8rjASJlo93-SDJ03jarjlSE*ejel=EDU98fwje3dUjeweioaw9*ri3jwkjsDEJUW#*284729

Yea I'm not kidding. At first I think hey this is cool I can just copy and paste, oh wait you need the internet for that! So I will be typing this in by hand and I am bound to screw it up and then I'll be dragging my lap top over to Todd with a "help me" look on my face which has happened before. I get cranky with no internets.

Mystery texter revealed and I'm bored

Ginny here on the front lines of the law firm to report that all is quiet on the divorce front. So far it's been a quiet day at work although all hell usually breaks loose right before we close for the day.

Tonight is our third attempt to make it to Mantra. The last two times we've tried its been a bust. Not this time. We are on a mission!

Last night I went to dinner at the Burren with Sarah who is now an Esquire! We had some burgers and beers and listened to live Irish folk music.

So mystery text was from a guy who I hung out with about two years ago but he started dating some girl. Now he wants to meet up for some drinks. I'm not in the mood. I was sort of interested TWO YEARS AGO. Now I really could care less.

I've been seeing the new GAP ads everywhere. I saw this one and thought oh, James Blunt?? No its Napoleon Dynamite! Poor Tina probably wouldn't even recognize him.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


My friend Scott likes to shoot and record live shows and he is good at it. I usually end up demanding he send me the recording right after the show. I've been listening to the Woven show he recorded in Portland, ME. I saw them at TT's a few weeks ago and they are a really good band to see live. I couldn't stop watching the guitarist, he has some pretty awesome stage moves. When Scott tells me to go to a show I go because he has yet to bring me to bad show.

If you are a fan of Nine Inch Nails you should check them out. You can thank me later.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Crap day and a mystery text

I had a bad day at work. Nothing like being reminded that you're just an assistant who makes copies and types letters to put you in a good mood.

I watched 27 Dresses and finished off a piece of mystery cake left over from friends Thanksgiving.
I got a mystery text this evening that said "hey you! long time no talk!" I have no idea who this is. I could respond with "hey how are?" or "hey who are you?" I really shouldn't delete numbers from my phone.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Is Jesus here? Nope it's Robert Pattinson

Twilight insanity is in full force. Apparently Robert Pattinson was suppose to attend a meet and greet at a Hot Topic in San Fransisco but it turned into a mob scene.
All because the people at the front of the line did not want to form a line. They crowded the malls entrance, police were called, and the whole event was cancelled and it will not be rescheduled. Even as it was announced that the event was cancelled, people still continued to stay in line. 1000+ people were in line for only 500 wristband that would allow you to meet Rob this evening.

People need to calm down! I feel bad for Rob. I would be scared if I were him. I don't understand why anyone would think screaming and clawing at a celebrity is appropriate. I don't care if you're 12 or 13, you should know better. You can be a fan without being insane.

P.S. I can't wait for Twilight!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

What is going on with the animals

Ok I don't know what it is with this week and dead animals but it's pretty depressing.

Let's start back at the beginning.

Wednesday night I'm driving to book club (or drink wine and eat food club) with my roommate and some how we started talking about the old rail road tracks and giant abandoned warehouse behind our street. Meg tells me that it use to be a slaughter house and meat packing plant up until the 80s and the tracks were used to cart animals to their death! Property prices were really cheap back then because you could hear the animals. There is no way I could ever live on my street with that going on. I don't care if someone threw a house key at me and said I could live there for free. I'd be crying myself to sleep. I believe the warehouse will be torn down and built into condos. I'm sorry but I'm not having the ghost of dead cows mooing at me in the middle of the night. I wouldn't feel comfortable living in a converted slaughter house.

I was already pretty upset by this news but then I get on the T yesterday and there are posters everywhere of a bob cat stuck in a trap. It was an ad against fur. (Which I completely agree with. No need to be wearing dead animal but that's just me). I was ready to start crying on the T. Not the poor cat! Nooooo!!!

Today I was looking at some old news papers that the attorney who founded the law firm I work for had in his office. He passed away during the summer so his office is getting cleaned out. There was an article in an old paper with an adorable little pig on the front rubbing up against a tree. "That was his pig" my co-worker told me. "How cute" I exclaimed. "Yea, he ate her." What!!! Why?

This is just too much bad animal karma going on here. I think I need to look at some LoL cats or watch the Mark Wahlberg talks to animals snl skit..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Best-Selling Author Michael Crichton Dies at 66

Good mood

I'm in a good mood today. I feel like a lot of Americans are. I'm happy that I got to vote in this election. This is history. I wish I had been out in the city last night but I visited my family in the burbs.

The election results are not the only reason why I'm in a good mood. I visited my mom and my brother last night for dinner. I wish everyone could meet my mother and brother because they crack me up. It's very obvious that we are related. My mother was doing Beowulf impressions last night because my brother has been watching that movie on repeat. My mother kept saying "My name is Beowulf and I've come to kill your monster and fight him half naked". My brother then yelled "real men fight naked". I just sat on the couch making manly fighting noises.

I've also decided to post some links on this blog. I feel the need to share stuff that I find on the interents.

I love the show How I Met Your Mother. I just started watching it last season and I don't know what took me so long to start watching! So here's a Q & A with the creators of the show that I enjoyed.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So Diddy won't kill me

No I have not voted yet, yes I will be voting after work. I'm not a morning person and since my brain does not start functioning until about 10:30 a.m. I would probably vote for Diddy. Could you imagine him as president? I would imagine his winning speech would be like one giant rap video.

Anywho I can't wait for this election to be over and done with. I feel like I need a break from the "liberal media elite". I'm sure tonight will be 24/7 election coverage.

There has been some talk in Massachusetts about Deval Patrick taking a position in Obama's cabinet. He has said repeatedly that he will stay in Massachusetts as Governor. I can see him making a run for the white house at some point but he would be wise to not leave Massachusetts yet as he just got elected. Yes I am Ginny, political advisor now.

I'm heading to my mom's tonight to visit with Mr. Binx (my mom's cat) and my mom of course. This is AFTER I vote of course.

P.S. If Sarah Palin is our VP I'm moving to Canada.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The dentist office Halloween party was pretty fun. I may have drank a tad too much but Sam Adams cherry wheat beer is so good! I made it home at 4 am, woke up at 11:00, watched the OC on the couch while eating tator tots, felt sad that the OC is not on anymore, then went back to bed until 5:00.

Halloween picture time!

I was Midori from Guitar Hero III

Germana is Princess Peach with her duck hunt gun.

Jesse as Harry Potter

Darryl as a Mexican cop. And Peach.

Germana's boyfriend was Dwight and he had Schrute bucks and these pictures which he hung up everywhere. So funny! Three hole punch Jim showed up too along with Pam. We had a Dwight vs. Jim beer pong game. I'm so mad that I didn't get a picture of that. My camera died on my so I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked.

I wish I had a video of my dance battle with the Joker. That was pretty epic.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You run a tight ship my friend

I've noticed a lot of my friends have catch phrases. I was thinking about this today because I changed my facebook status to my friends catch phrase to annoy him. Darryl does have the best ones though.

Darryl's catch phrases:

"You run a tight ship my friend."

"This is MY Tavern!"

"You can't make the wine without the grapes."

"Why do you hate me?"

Every time we get in a cab he says to the cab driver "you run a tight ship my friend" and I don't know why but this sends me in to hysterical fits of laughter.

My catch phrase:

"I'm gonna smack the crap out of you!"

Yea, very classy. I had this pointed out to me by a friend. I don't say it viciously and I usually say it in response to Darryl using one of his catch phrases. He'll ask me why I hate him and I tell him I'm gonna smack the crap out of him.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Under the Influence of Giants

I've been having a really bad weekend which I may or may not post about later but there is one band that always puts me in a good mood. Under the Influence of Giants is a band I saw with a pretty boring date but the show was amazing so I should thank boring dude for inviting me to the show. I hope he didn't notice me ogling the lead singers tattoos the whole time. They're disco rockish and remind me of the Scissor Sisters. If they happen to be performing in your city they are a must see.

I could listen to In the Clouds on repeat all day. I probably shouldn't be walking around singing "I like the morning after pill hello" though....

So check them out.

Boo (aka Boo Nigel Flufferton III)

I brought Boo to the vet for his yearly visit. My vet is super British and has pictures on the walls of him in various halloween costumes with his dog. He always calls him the mystery cat because we really have no idea how old he is. He peed in the carrier on the way to the vet. Nothing like getting pee on your coat and shelling out $240.00. He always has to get blood drawn to check his thyroid and make sure his medicine doesn't need to be adjusted.

My mom called when I was trying to get him in the tub to clean him up. He was having none of that but knowing him he would go straight for my bed smelling like pee. I sure do a lot for this cat but I love my little hobo kitty. Even if he doesn't go after the mice.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Doing my civic duty

With November 4th not too far off the ads for Question 1, 2, and 3 are everywhere! I actually have an opinion about all of them and I’ll tell you right now how I’m voting.

First, here are the actual questions on the Massachusetts ballot for 2008:

1. State Personal Income Tax
2. Possession of Marijuana
3. Dog Racing

State Personal Income Tax:

This proposed law would reduce the state personal income tax rate to 2.65% for all categories of taxable income for the tax year beginning on or after January 1, 2009, and would eliminate the tax for all tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2010.

Reducing and then eliminating the state income tax makes no sense to me. Our public services would suffer drastically. Police, fire, schools, roadway maintenance would all suffer as they rely on this money. The state of Massachusetts would lose more than 12 billion dollars. I’d like to know how you can make up for a 12 billion dollar deficit.

Possession of Marijuana:

This proposed law would replace the criminal penalties for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana with a new system of civil penalties, to be enforced by issuing citations, and would exclude information regarding this civil offense from the state's criminal record information system. Offenders age 18 or older would be subject to forfeiture of the marijuana plus a civil penalty of $100. Offenders under the age of 18 would be subject to the same forfeiture and, if they complete a drug awareness program within one year of the offense, the same $100 penalty.

My basic thinking regarding this is I’d rather have room in jails for people who really need to be there. I also don’t see how you can view smoking pot any worse than drinking. So I say if you have one legal they should both be legal or both be illegal (I like my beer and don’t like cough syrup so please let’s not do that). This proposed law is not making pot legal it is decriminalizing it if it’s under a certain amount. If you’re under 18 they fine you and send you to a program about the dangers of substance abuse and make you do community service. I don’t think this proposed law will turn everyone into Cheech and Chong.

Dog Racing:

This proposed law would prohibit any dog racing or racing meeting in Massachusetts where any form of betting or wagering on the speed or ability of dogs occurs.

I just don’t believe in racing animals period. It seems the opponents to Question 3’s main argument is that people will lose jobs. Everyday I read the metro and there’s an ad with sad people saying “don’t take our jobs”. Can we put that next to a picture of a sad dog saying “don’t take my life or injure me for money!”

So there are my thoughts. You probably don’t care if you’re not voting in Massachusetts but I actually do care about these issues and well what better place to pimp out your opinion than on the interenets.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mouse hunt 2008

If you want to know what my life has been like for the past few months please rent Mouse Hunt. My roommate and I have been in an all out war. Holes were plugged up, stoves were pulled out, traps were laid down and I thought we had won. But oh no, these mice are sneaky bastards and moved their hideout from behind the stove to the back of our couch. While checking the hole in my couch for furry friends I came to the conclusion that this was beyond anything we could do. We needed a professional.

I wasn't quite sure what the exterminator would do. Does he lay down traps? Does he lure them out with a flute and skip down the street with a trail of mice behind him? I had no clue.

Our exterminator discovered the source of entry into our house. He also discovered that our counters are not attached to anything and can be pulled out. This house continues to get more ghetto everyday. Behind the counter is a secret pipe that leads to nowhere. Really this does not surprise me. You win house.

So with the pipe plugged up and our ugly pink counters back in place I think we may have won this battle finally. But if the mice do come back can they at least take pity on me and work in my factory making delicious cheese?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Slow work day = random blogger post

It's a very slow work day and the sky is looking pretty doomsday like. I need to be busy or I get extremely bored. This is why I could not be unemployed or have a job where I sat there and did nothing all day everyday. I do go through really busy spurts where I’m working late and forget to eat until way past lunch but this week is not one of those weeks.

What did people with desk jobs do before the internet? I think this might explain why people use to smoke in offices. I would too if was bored and had no internet plus I would probably want to die an early death hence the smoking. Luckily I live in 2008 and can go on blogs, stupid gossip sites and Wikipedia all day.

I also need to stop checking my e-mail obsessively to see if a certain guy has sent me a message. Self control, I need to have it. I’m waiting not so patiently and it’s driving me insane! If I was busy with work I wouldn’t be thinking about it so much.

In happier news, Melissa has decided to stay in Boston and not move back to Florida. If I could do a flip I totally would. I won’t lie, when she told me she was moving back home to Florida I cried. I cried a lot. She is my best friend and although we’ve only known each other for two years it feels like she’s been around forever and quite frankly I would be very bored and lonely if she left. I have other friends and I would manage but it was sad thinking she wouldn’t be around. Apparently she has decided the same. She called me on the phone last night and told me she would miss Boston, miss her friends here, and got upset thinking about all of us going on with out her. I think the jist of her words were:

“I mean I LOVE you and I LOVE my street and I LOVE this city and I LOVE Jesse and Darryl and I can’t live away from all of you and I don’t want you going to a coat check and then posting on facebook how awesome that coat check was!”

Really, we don’t have that much fun in the coat check line.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bad movie marathon

I've watched all 3 Final Destination movies this weekend. I'm not quite sure how this happened?

There are a few things that happen in every movie.

1. There is always one person who doesn't believe that death is after them. They start yelling at death and being all "come and get me death! I control my own destiny!" Yea I wouldn't piss off death my friend.

2. The character who has the vision always teams up with a member of the opposite sex to help them figure out what's going on. They don't really know the other person very well having death stalk them brings them closer together. How romantic.

3. Old people don't have visions of death. You have to be around high school age.

4. Don't go near cars because they always seem to kill someone.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Finally, a good date!

Shockingly I actually had a really good date last night! I'm posting about it for proof that I am not the pickiest girl on the planet and I can meet someone I actually like. It's also nice going on a date with someone who actually has a job and doesn't think he's Bob Dylan.

We had dinner and drinks and then met up with Sarah and Kevin and a few other people for karaoke at Do Re Mi. When we got there we didn't know where they were and an employee saw us looking through the windows on the doors and said "are you guys looking for a group of white people? They're in room 7." Maybe I'm hanging out with one of the asian groups? How does he know? I mean he was right about the room but still.

We had some pretty amazing song choices. I sang Wannabe with Sarah, we had some Bon Jovi, Journey, Johnny Cash, old school rap, songs from musicals for no good reason.

So I guess we'll see what happens. I'm hoping for a date #2

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Long weekend recovery time

I've come to the conclusion that I have to work. If I didn't work I would sleep all day. I had Monday off due to the holiday and the long weekend completely messed up my sleep schedule. I stayed up too late, slept in AND took naps. I watched some bad daytime tv. Did you know that Steve the bodyguard from Jerry Springer has his own talk show?! How did that happen. It's Springer version 2.0.

The only thing that makes me feel better about my lazy times this weekend is that I did get out and run which is healthy and I hope balanced out the beer consumption.

I finally got to play Rock Band II. Sarah let me create my own character, Bitch McKnives. Everyone decided I have the best character name. You wouldn't want to mess with anyone names Bitch McKnives. Sarah and Paul went all out with the decorations and I think Paul had a fabulous birthday full of beer, Rock Band, and ice cream cake.

I was so busy chatting and playing that I forgot to take pictures! I need to start taking more pictures again. I use to take pictures every where I went. I think I'm bored with my camera and want a new one.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dear broken bike dude, I'm sorry

Sometimes you see something so funny and you really shouldn't laugh but you just can't control it.

Last night I was walking back from a bar with Melissa. We were in a giggly mood anyways but as we were walking this young guy on a bike is coming towards us. We hear a clink and the guy just stops. He looks pretty distressed and confused as he looks back towards the source of the sound. His bike pedal fell off! Seriously it was just lying there on the ground and came off while he was riding down the street. We couldn't control ourselves. We were basically running down the street because we were so hysterical and didn't want to embarrass him.

I feel bad but really it was just too ridiculous not to laugh. Poor guy was so shocked he just sat there on his bike that was falling apart right under him.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Be safe

A co-worker of mine was mugged at gun point by three men yesterday while walking home. She lives in a very nice neighborhood and was walking down a main road. I can't imagine how she feels right now. I'm scared and it didn't even happen to me. It doesn't matter if you live in a nice neighborhood or if you're in a busy area, you're not immune. She's lucky all they did was take her purse. It could have ended much worse.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I hope I'm getting it right

There's no need for me to go back in time and change any of my past mistakes because in one of my alternative worlds I've made all the decisions that add up to bliss. I'll try to take whatever comfort I can in knowing that somewhere, some version of me is getting it right.

Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty

Get on the Ludo train Twlight!

Yes I am posting about Twilight AGAIN but the soundtrack listing is out!

Muse - "Supermassive Black Hole"
Paramore - "Decode"
The Black Ghosts - "Full Moon"
Linkin Park - "Leave Out All the Rest"
MuteMath - "Spotlight" ("Twilight" mix)
Perry Farrell - "Go All the Way (Into the Twilight)"
Collective Soul - "Tremble for My Beloved"
Paramore - "I Caught Myself "
Blue Foundation - "Eyes on Fire"
Rob Pattinson - "Never Think"
Iron & Wine - "Flightless Bird, American Mouth"
Carter Burwell - "Bella's Lullaby"

I figured Muse would be on there considering Stephanie Meyer is a huge fan (she dedicated one of the books to them) but will someone PLEASE introduce The Horror of our Love by Ludo to everyone involved in this movie because it really is the absolute most perfect song in the entire world for this series! I'm sure Ludo was not thinking of Edward and Bella when they wrote that but it's just perfect!

Oh let's throw in one of my favorite Ludo videos in here because I love them.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I'm a dork. A dork with Twilight pins! Is it November yet?

Home alone

The roommates are gone for a wedding and I have the house to myself :) I can tell when they're not here because Boo will wake me up every hour to remind me that no one is paying attention to him.

I actually haven't been home much to enjoy it though. I went to Harpoon's Oktober Fest on Friday and went to a show at Harpers Ferry on Saturday. Basically I drank too much beer this weekend and the thought of anymore makes me a little queasy.

I hung out with my brother for a bit. I should be spending more time with him before he goes to boot camp. Plus hanging out with him is a guaranteed laugh. He told me he's learning Chinese from some guys at his work. He can now ask for cigarettes and say it's lunch time. You know, the practical stuff.

And now it's Sunday once again. I ate a box of mac and cheese this morning all to myself. Nice job. I think I need the gym after all the beer and Cheetos I consumed this weekend.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ear Candy

Getting to work tunes this week:

The Rakes

I am obsessed with the song Spit the Dark by Empires. It's a haunting little song and I can't stop listening to it.

We Danced Together by The Rakes makes me want to start dancing and I love songs where the British accent comes through. You can tell this band is from the UK.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Done and done

After much thought and deliberation I have decided on a Halloween costume.

I'm dressing up as Midori from Guitar Hero III. I call her tiny backpack. If I'm losing while playing Melissa I just start talking about my tiny tiny backpack and she cracks up.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wishing it wasn't Sunday

Sunday already? Where did the weekend go?

I went to Wonder Bar on Friday with Melissa and Darryl. I just wanted to have a good time and dance my butt off. Melissa has about 20 pictures of us in the cab I have no idea why we like taking cab pictures. Darryl kept telling the cab driver "you run a tight ship my friend" which had me cracking up.

Saturday was rainy and I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I love that movie. I need to buy that DVD. It's a nice movie to curl up on the couch and watch on a rainy Saturday.

Today I went to eat lunch with Melissa at Panera. While we were eating our lunch this couple walks up to the table next us which is free but still has plates and cups from whoever was there before. Instead of just picking it up and throwing it out they flag an employee down to clean it off bitching about it the whole time. You would think these people who were so upset that someone left their plates on the table would walk the three feet to the trash and clean up their own mess. Nope they decide to leave it on the table. I wanted to say something so bad but I bit my tongue which I deserve a gold star for because that doesn't happen that often.

After lunch we went to see Burn After Reading. I always forget how brutal and sudden the deaths in Cohen brother's movies can be. It had some pretty funny moments, mostly with Brad Pitt. He needs to do more comedies. Does he ever age? I don't think he does.

So now I'm waiting for True Blood to come on. I didn't think I was going to like the show because the book that the show is based on, Dead Until Dark, annoyed me quite a bit. I think I threw the book because of the ridiculousness of it. When they went to a bar called "Fangtasia" I lost it. I finished it though and the tv series is much better.

Oh and last but not least my car is fixed! I missed having a car. It runs like brand new and seriously I've had everything done to this car so I should be (BETTER be) good for a while.

Back to work tomorrow. I'm hoping this crappy rain/muggy weather stops.

Friday, September 26, 2008

You can't text message breakup!

Looks like I’m back on the single scene again. Did you miss me boys?

I got dumped via text message. Granted he did ask to talk on the phone via text and I replied that if he was breaking up with me just tell me now.

I really have no filter on my mouth. I say what comes to mind even if I make an idiot out of myself. My boss walked by when I was reading the yes I am breaking up with you text and asked me what was wrong. I blurted out, “my boyfriend just dumped me by text message!”

Can I not say stupid stuff like that to my boss? I’m lucky that he’s a nice guy and felt bad for me, not horrified that I just threw that out there for the whole office to enjoy.

My friends and co-workers seem to be more upset about this than I am. Dumping someone by text is not a very popular way to break up with someone but really, would face to face be better? I’m glad he didn’t make plans to meet up with me only to tell me we’re done. Obviously the situation is different if it’s a long term relationship. Ending your marriage by text message a la Britney Spears is pretty low.

I wonder what people did before texting. Did they send letters to break up or perhaps a telegram?

Dear Virginia (stop) I believe our courtship has come to an end (stop) We weren’t that serious anyways (stop) Farewell (stop)

I end this post with a word from Kelly.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Buddy Holly mash up

Bang! Bang! I’m always near. You need a guardian.
I can’t run and I can’t kick, another big bang, what’s a matter babe?
You know I’m yours, are you feelin’ sick?
And I know you’re mine, What do we do?
Oh No! Your tongue is twisted, I know that you need help.
Your eyes are slit. I look just like Buddy Holly.
Are you feelin’ blue?
I don’t care ‘bout that .

*Original lyrics by Weezer, mash up by me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How the New Kids get all the ladies

I am so glad that New Kids On the Block is back. Their new music videos are classics to be enjoyed for years to come. Their newest single is called, well, Single. There's synchronized dancing, a club full of sexy ladies (seriously there are really no guys in this club), all the New Kids dressed in dapper suits. You really can't ask for more.

The icing on the cake is the scene where a woman drops her lip gloss in the bathroom sink and Jon just happens to be in the bathroom to retrieve her lip gloss for her. Yea, that happens to me in clubs all the time, guys approaching me in the ladies room. Really the ladies room is a great place to pick up woman. You know they have to go in there eventually and you'll be the only guy in there. Why has this never been thought of before?

I'm still laughing. Really, I thought they couldn't top Summertime but I was wrong.


I'm having a quarter life crisis at 24. Lately I've been feeling like I need a major change. I haven't been feeling very happy and I can't figure out why. I just want to pack up and move to a new city, I want to travel to Europe and have adventures. I don't want to be the townie who never leaves Boston.

I have this urge to move to NYC. I've never even been but I want to experience living there. I want to work at some dive bar where local bands play. I want to work for a music publication. I want to take pictures at live shows. I want to run into random celeberties. I want to meet new friends in interesting places. I want to invite people to crash at my tiny apartment.

I'm bored with my life. Someone shake it up.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I can see Russia from my house

I have the perfect Halloween costume. I'm going to be Sarah Palin in a helicopter and my friend Melissa can be a wolf that I hunt from the air.

I'll bring a nice batch of moose stew to the party just to make it really authentic.

Please don't let this woman be second in command!

I think this article expresses my feelings on Sarah Palin as McCain's VP choice pretty well.

As a woman McCain must think I'm very gullible. Vote for McCain because he has a woman on the ticket. Sarah Palin's lack of experience and political views are frightening. I'm not voting for people who want to diminish woman's rights and don't consider global warming a serious growing problem.Palin's view on sexual education is laughable to me.

My mother did not preach abstinence. My mother warned me about the consequences of sex and asked that if I did consider it to be safe. Guess what, I wasn't having sex at 17.

I hope people come to their senses in November and help save our country.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Will work (almost) anywhere!

Since I'm now in a bit of a financial pickle due to my car which I have now nicknamed Scrooge due to that fact that it takes all my money and laughs in my face. I have resorted to looking for a second job on craigslist. Desperate times always lead to craigslist. Well there are just so many lovely jobs out there I just can't decide, but I think I'll apply for this one:



Well thank God I won't be working with ugly girls. Now what to wear to the interview?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wanted: Single, cute mechanic

Oh irony you have quite the sense of humor. Now that my car is paid off it's not drivable. I'm afraid to know how much it will cost to fix it. I've already put almost two grand into my car in the past six months. I have no idea where I'll get the money to fix it. I need to date a mechanic. That seems to be the most economical solution.

I took the T back from Brookline and forgot my umbrella so of course it starts pouring out. I made myself a delicious breakfast of eggs and tator tots to cheer me up.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hello allergies

Taking benadryl makes youtube videos funnier. Someone take my keyboard away before I cause permanent damage.

Sometimes I think it would be fun to be a youtube celebrity. How else will I get my name on wikipedia? That is my goal in life.

Normal posting and thinking to resume after sleep.

My priorities

I should be doing important things like paying bills and doing laundry but instead I'm starting a blog. The internet is much more entertaining than dirty clothes and bills.