Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm already in weekend mode

Anime Boston has descended upon work. There is a large convention center attached to the mall where my building is also attached to. For some reason everyone at work keeps asking me if I plan on going. No I do not plan on going. I don't watch Anime (ok I did watch sailormoon back in like 1996) and I don't dress in a costume unless it's Halloween. I have no idea why they think I would go. People seem to be having fun with it so good for them.

My boss keeps joking with me that he's going to dress up and head down to the convention.

Anyways ... I get out at 3 today and will be heading out for a night on the town with Melissa and her friend from Florida, Pam. I thought it was Friday yesterday so I'm dying to get out of here and drink some bud light lime.

Have a great memorial day!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where have I been?

I've been neglecting my poor little blog. I feel like I've been really busy lately but can pin point exactly why. I think it's time for a bullet list update

  • Started reading Anna Karenina again. I'm actually enjoying it this time. I stopped reading it a few times before. It just took me a few chapters to get into it.
  • Started watching Harper's Island. It's pretty good except everyone is an idiot and doesn't question why people are suddenly missing. Also if my friends left me in the woods in a bad situation as much as these guys do I would get some new friends.
  • Work is crazy. I've been getting slammed. The summer is our slower season but I haven't seen a slow down yet.
  • Season finale of Lost is tonight! Who is Jacob? I vote for Jack's dad. Who knows this show is crazy.
  • I have two camping trips, two birthdays, a random cookout, and a trip to the Cape coming up from now to June. I'm sure this list will grow.
  • Finally getting around to uploading all of my music back onto my ipod. I totally bought the Sound of Music soundtrack
  • I've been sucked in to Daisy of Love. Please send help.
  • I've seen Kill Bill 3 times in the past week.
So that's what's been going on at the moment. I'm heading to a dive bar for a birthday where they supposedly have bowling on the roof? We shall see.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A tiny obsession

I have this thing where I love to see how other people decorate their bedrooms. Hence why I am a member of a bedroom community on livejournal. It gives me lots of fun ideas even though I hate my apartment so much that I don't really care to decorate but when I end up buying a condo I'm going crazy and doing it up my style. In the mean time I'll just continue my bedroom envy.

I'm was also addicted to the house tours on the Domino magazine website (RIP Domino). I hope they still have that now that the magazine is gone. I think I missed my calling...interior decorating!