Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I'm back from Texas and missing the warm weather. My brother is doing well and glad to be done with boot camp. I met some of the guys in his flight and they were all really nice. My mom and I adopted two of them and brought them with us around San Antonio since they didn't have family visiting.

This was my first trip to Texas. I went the Alamo which is right next to a mall and is a lot smaller than I was expecting. I found the mirror maze way more fun. I mean watching people run in to mirrors is pretty entertaining.

I have to say I don't think I would survive boot camp. I would probably cry and want to go home. I can't imagine running for ten miles in the hot sun with a huge pack on on two hours of sleep. No thanks. They all looked thin but obviously could kick my ass.

They all seemed paranoid even when they had a town pass which is when you can leave the base for a few hours. My brother and his friends were still walking in step with each other and called everyone sir and ma'am. Even when they were just standing there they stood as if they were at ease and not how you would normally stand. I pointed this out to my brother constantly. I'm your sister not ma'am!

The day I left I had a horrible stomach bug and was throwing up on the way to the airport, at the airport, on the plane...I think you get the picture. I couldn't hold anything down. The poor guy next to me was probably like, great thanks for putting me next to puke girl over here.

I have pictures but my laptop is having some issues so I'm not using my computer to update. I'm just a little addicted to the internet and not having my computer is driving me INSANE!

So pictures to come later. I'm glad to be home but not thrilled with the pile of work I'm attempting to get through.

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