Thursday, December 4, 2008

There's no escaping the Irish

I was at my grandmother's house tonight for a going away dinner for my brother and I found an Irish surprise in the living room.

Incase you didn't know this is played on an 8trackstero. It says so right there on the front.

Nice vests boys. Green? How very Irish Balladeer of you.

"You can take our lives! But you can never take our Irish Songs of Freedom!!!! (vol 3)"

I love to crank those Irish drinking songs on my 8 track stereo. My brother asked my grandmother what she was doing with these. She replied "how do you play those?" Well if this was say 1970 we would be all set.

Shame we couldn't have "Irish songs of freedom vol 3 (and still more)" playing while we ate dinner. Instead we got to rock out to Celtic Woman. I'm curious as to how many volumes there are considering it says "and still more..."

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