Friday, November 14, 2008

Mystery texter revealed and I'm bored

Ginny here on the front lines of the law firm to report that all is quiet on the divorce front. So far it's been a quiet day at work although all hell usually breaks loose right before we close for the day.

Tonight is our third attempt to make it to Mantra. The last two times we've tried its been a bust. Not this time. We are on a mission!

Last night I went to dinner at the Burren with Sarah who is now an Esquire! We had some burgers and beers and listened to live Irish folk music.

So mystery text was from a guy who I hung out with about two years ago but he started dating some girl. Now he wants to meet up for some drinks. I'm not in the mood. I was sort of interested TWO YEARS AGO. Now I really could care less.

I've been seeing the new GAP ads everywhere. I saw this one and thought oh, James Blunt?? No its Napoleon Dynamite! Poor Tina probably wouldn't even recognize him.


jessica maria said...

Two years? Really? What a lamester.

Ginny said...

Yea. Sorry, two years two late