Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So Diddy won't kill me

No I have not voted yet, yes I will be voting after work. I'm not a morning person and since my brain does not start functioning until about 10:30 a.m. I would probably vote for Diddy. Could you imagine him as president? I would imagine his winning speech would be like one giant rap video.

Anywho I can't wait for this election to be over and done with. I feel like I need a break from the "liberal media elite". I'm sure tonight will be 24/7 election coverage.

There has been some talk in Massachusetts about Deval Patrick taking a position in Obama's cabinet. He has said repeatedly that he will stay in Massachusetts as Governor. I can see him making a run for the white house at some point but he would be wise to not leave Massachusetts yet as he just got elected. Yes I am Ginny, political advisor now.

I'm heading to my mom's tonight to visit with Mr. Binx (my mom's cat) and my mom of course. This is AFTER I vote of course.

P.S. If Sarah Palin is our VP I'm moving to Canada.

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