Friday, July 10, 2009

I lay me down tonight

According to Jade Puget's blog, AFI's new album will be out September 29th. I'm so excited! I love looking forward to an albums release.

I have many fond musical memories listening to AFI such as that time I made Ashley play Girls Not Grey on repeat back from New Hampshire because I insisted it made me not throw up.

I had one to many white russian's that night.....


Gaby, held on by wires. said...

If you listen... Listen, listen.
(Listen close). Beat by beat, you can hear when the heart stops.

I saved the pieces when it broke.

And ground them all to DUST.

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

not the same song, I know. But it's the first one that came into my head when I thought of STS. Wonder what the new album will sound like.