Thursday, February 26, 2009

Building a mystery

I have a little mystery happing in my house. I woke up this morning in the usual way which is my cat smacking me in the face with his paw. I get up and feed Boo and get ready to hop in the shower.

I pull back the curtain and it is like a scene from psycho (ok not that bad but it was unexpected). There is blood all in the bath tub. I stand there for a good three minutes not doing anything and trying to figure out what the hell happened.

Did my roommate cut herself? Probably not considering I shower before her and she would clean it.

Did my cat cut himself? He doesn’t go in the bathtub and he was sleeping on my bed all night. Also there is no blood anywhere else besides the tub.

Did Whitey Bulger kill someone in my tub? I do live very close to Winter Hill.

I had to clean it. I’m not taking a shower in that. So I’m naked in my tub with gloves and Ajax at 6 a.m. How was your morning?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Oscars

I admit that I haven't seen most of the movies nominated this year but I still have some predictions. I'm going to make a little list

Cate Blanchett will win every Oscar because she always does even when she's not nominated.

Christian Bale will accept Heath's statue and then go on a verbal rampage when the Oscar "get off the stage" music starts playing.

Zac and Vanessa perform and even Hanson is like "this sucks!" Adults with no young kids are confused as to who these people are.

Kate Winslet announces her next movie is about a pregnant Nazi war criminal who flees on a boat that sinks in the Atlantic because she couldn't read.

Michael Jackson is inspired to become a priest after watching Doubt.

Megatron hands out the statues to spice things up

Hugh Jackman hosts as Wolverine. He rips open envelopes with his claws.

I fall asleep and look up who won the next morning online.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Filling my brain with YA fiction

I just started reading the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. I found this series in the young adult section and even though I’m 25 I’m thoroughly enjoying it. The book is set in a dystopian future where once you turn 16 you undergo a surgery that makes you “pretty”. Everyone seems happy, everyone looks the same but it’s not all fine and dandy in New Pretty Town.

The characters are likable and the book is not too predictable (I’m looking at you Twilight). It’s set in the future but the technology is believable and interesting. I’m thinking I would really like a bungee jacket. The main character, Tally, can handle herself. Yea she makes mistakes but she doesn’t always have to have a man come to her rescue (she’s no Bella).

I’m on book two in the series which I’m enjoying even more than book one. I’m done with the Twilight comparisons. It’s just nice to not have to roll my eyes so much while reading a book, or ALL FOUR BOOKS.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The winter blahs

I've been saying since November that I'm done with winter. I totally admit being a baby about the cold. Yesterday I was walking home from the T and it was snowing. It wasn't just snowing there was also extreme wind blowing that snow directly into my face.

Today I just want to curl up in bed with some tea and a good book. Knowing that my office is always arctic in temperature is not motivating.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A little vino for V Day

Melissa and I are both single and decided to make the most of Valentines Day. Melissa had the idea of volunteering to feed the homeless. At first I wasn't in the mood which is horrible to say but I had so much to do this past weekend I just didn't have the time. I decided that I was being ridiculous and needed to do it.

It was in the basement of a church that had a questionable smell. It reminded me of CCD. We had no idea what we were suppose to do but everyone was really nice and helpful. Most of the homeless people were very nice and thankful but of course there were a few interesting comments. There was one man who told a pregnant woman she was having a bastard because she wasn't married and another man that got mad at me because I wouldn't give him more peas. I told him we had to wait fifteen minutes before we could give out seconds and I thought he was going to throw his plate at me.

We met some pretty cool volunteers that we hung out with at Whole Foods. Really, nothing was open on Valentines Day.

After our volunteering time we headed out to our Valentines Day "ball" in the city. I am officially done wearing dresses in the winter. I'm only going out dressed like the little brother in A Christmas Story.

Melissa and I decided it was a wine night. I lost my debit card on wine night. Actually Darryl lost my card because he decided to use it for Chinese food when I didn't even want Chinese food. Despite that we had a good time. It's nice to dress up once in a while but I think I'll wait for the spring to bust out a dress again.

Also a guy at the church asked me for my phone number, and yes it was a volunteer not a homeless person.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

When candy hearts make promises

Happy Valentines Day! I may be single but I am getting dressed up and going out with my best friend for a night on the town. I hope you guys have a fabulous Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I love this blog, Sally Jane Vintage. I don't think I could pull off her look but I'm amazed at her thrift store finds. She also has links to pieces that she's selling on her eBay store.

I'm inspired to hit the thrift stores and see what I can find.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I'm back from Texas and missing the warm weather. My brother is doing well and glad to be done with boot camp. I met some of the guys in his flight and they were all really nice. My mom and I adopted two of them and brought them with us around San Antonio since they didn't have family visiting.

This was my first trip to Texas. I went the Alamo which is right next to a mall and is a lot smaller than I was expecting. I found the mirror maze way more fun. I mean watching people run in to mirrors is pretty entertaining.

I have to say I don't think I would survive boot camp. I would probably cry and want to go home. I can't imagine running for ten miles in the hot sun with a huge pack on on two hours of sleep. No thanks. They all looked thin but obviously could kick my ass.

They all seemed paranoid even when they had a town pass which is when you can leave the base for a few hours. My brother and his friends were still walking in step with each other and called everyone sir and ma'am. Even when they were just standing there they stood as if they were at ease and not how you would normally stand. I pointed this out to my brother constantly. I'm your sister not ma'am!

The day I left I had a horrible stomach bug and was throwing up on the way to the airport, at the airport, on the plane...I think you get the picture. I couldn't hold anything down. The poor guy next to me was probably like, great thanks for putting me next to puke girl over here.

I have pictures but my laptop is having some issues so I'm not using my computer to update. I'm just a little addicted to the internet and not having my computer is driving me INSANE!

So pictures to come later. I'm glad to be home but not thrilled with the pile of work I'm attempting to get through.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

My co-workers sure know how to wish me a happy birthday.

"When were you born?"
"February 4, 1984"
"You were conceived on May 14th, 1983. Call your mother and ask when she got married."

I'm flying to Texas with a sinus infection. My body sure knows how to wish me a happy birthday.

I'm 25 today. I don't know how I feel about that. Well actually it makes me feel a little old.

I was just thinking back to my 10th birthday and how there was a horrible snow storm but my friends were all allowed to sleep over during the storm and I had a great time. I kind of want another birthday sleep over. This one would involve booze and not Ace of Base and Jolt soda.